Accounting In Europe
Accountancy in Europe has been set up specifically to assist individuals or companies who are looking for a trusted firm of accountants throughout Europe, without having to browse the internet for multiple firms. Clients will be reassured by the fact that we have been working with these firms for over 7 years and can vouch for their reliability, competitiveness and attention to detail.
We use only small to medium sized local firms who are experienced in the specific geographical market in which they are located. Our accountancy partners throughout Europe are, for the most part, multi-lingual and are used to working with international clients. Safe in the knowledge that these firms have been used regularly by our group of companies over the past few years this cuts down the time browsing and obtaining references from companies that you have plucked from the web.
Our uniqueness is in the way that we assist you in resolving your accountancy issues however large or small. Due to the years of experience gained in setting up companies in Europe we are aware that each jurisdiction has its own tax legislation that the company, whether new or existing, needs to adhere to. If relevant accountancy, or tax filings have not been submitted you may be liable for penalties in the country where your European business is held.
Please contact us today for a short discussion on requirements and how we can assist you.
If you are looking for an accountancy quote in a specific country please click the relevant link below for further information on tax rates, filings and accountancy legislation. Alternatively, if you wish to be contacted by one of our consultants, please either call us on +44 (0)208 421 7474 or email your contact details below.
Registration for Money Laundering Regulation (MLR)
In 2007 the Anti Money Laundering Regulations were brought into effect by the Government, making it a Legal requirement that ALL Company Formation Agents have an “MLR”.
Accountancy in has successfully applied for and received its MLR Registration Number XWML00000114895. This means that we have passed the Fit and Proper test and HM Customs and Excise have confirmed that we have successfully registered for MLR.
Be aware that company Formation Agents that operate without an MLR number are breaking the Law. Our recommendation is that you ask for full details of the MLR number before processing a formation through any company formation agent.